About eProof

What we do

eProof Ltd is a UK based start-up specialising in digital proofing. Our flagship software cloud will keep control of the workflow whether working with PDFs or online content. It will put professional mark-up tools in the hands of everyone in the Industry and enable workers to collaborate without making errors – saving both time and money.

Who is it for?

The eProof software would be perfect for Editors, Copywriters, Technical Authors and Proofreaders who have been crying out for a digital process for their traditional methods. That being said it will be the most efficient way of correcting copy on the market for all professions. With clear correction instructions being relayed to clients and co-workers, work can be produced with less correction cycles and no embarrassing errors.

Current Issues

With companies constantly refining their processes and cost saving, proofing can be put at the bottom of priorities. Companies may find that time proofing has increased as everyone has to re-read their work and interpret vague instructions rather than have a dedicated proofreader. Now eProof can help both proofreaders and companies without them.

The Importance of Proofing

Editing and Proofing are important elements of the production workflow, people may consider a spell-check is sufficient – but the role is far more in depth. Written text in an organisation should be consistently done using their House Style, highlighting the correct Tone of Voice and their Authority within their Industry. Some writers may write over long sentences, others may like to have a space before a coma (strange but true). Also checking for personal or organisational bias is also important.


eProof can help in all these situations, for example your company’s Style Guide can be saved within the application so all employees stick to the same rules when writing any editorial. Technical Authors will be able to save their structure and formatting for reuse. Storage of your documents will be secure and private allowing businesses to proof confidential files, automatic checks will highlight errors – giving you the time to perfect your work.

Sectors which would especially benefit from this software are Publishing, Ecommerce, Media, Marketing and Education.

Using eProof